Fon will be in New York for the WBA Wireless Global Congress

Fon will be in New York for the WBA Wireless Global Congress

Fon will be in New York for the WBA Wireless Global Congress We’re happy to announce that we’ll be attending the Wireless Global Congress in New York! As a proud gold sponsor of the event, we’re delighted to have the opportunity to meet with other industry leaders...
#lifeatfon: Iurgi Arginzoniz, CINO

#lifeatfon: Iurgi Arginzoniz, CINO

#lifeatfon: Iurgi Arginzoniz, CINO We’re kicking off our #lifeatfon series with an interview with Fon’s CINO, Iurgi Arginzoniz, who drives the company’s innovation strategy. Describe your Fon journey! I joined Fon at its very inception, in November...
Can telcos really make money out of WiFi? Part 2

Can telcos really make money out of WiFi? Part 2

Can telcos really make money out of WiFi? Part 2 In our previous entry, we focused on how Telco operators can make money out of WiFi by opening up the service to non-subscribers. But what about their customer base? The benefits of carrier WiFi connectivity among the...
Can telcos really make money out of WiFi? Part 1

Can telcos really make money out of WiFi? Part 1

Can telcos really make money out of WiFi? Part 1 WiFi is everywhere, and nowadays, people are used to connecting to WiFi in all kinds of places. But since they’re also used to connecting to it for free, it’s natural to wonder how CSPs can actually make money out of...
WiFi WPA2 security hack explained

WiFi WPA2 security hack explained

WiFi WPA2 security hack explained In the last 24 hours, the media has broadly covered the WiFi WPA2 security hack. A recently discovered vulnerability could allow attackers to intercept data being transmitted between a WiFi access point and a computer or mobile...
Are you capitalizing on new WiFi opportunities?

Are you capitalizing on new WiFi opportunities?

Capitalizing on new WiFi opportunities Last week, we hosted a webinar with Analysys Mason, based on the findings of their recent white paper on the topic of capitalizing on new WiFi opportunities. They found that while many operators include WiFi in their...